Monday, May 14, 2012


Assalamualaikum and hello.

I don't know which one of these actually exhaust me.

1) The weather which seemed to hate my first-time cycle to the hospital. I cycled back drenched in the heavy cold rain and hail smashing my face.

I started cycling at 4.30pm, and it was raining cats and dogs, at 6pm, after arriving home, hello Mr. Sun where have you been while I'm cycling? takpe, hujan itu rahmat Tuhan.

2) The well-known female hormonal change which always seemed to bring out the 'Mr. Hyde' in me, always making me feel gloomy and sad for no apparent reasons, or probably for tedious reason like 'my cereal stock is empty i'm so sad.' or 'why hasn't so and so reply my texts.'

3) The rising anxiety knowing exams is less than a month away and the constant question-firing mode played by the consultants, making me feel even more dumber than I already am.

I hate when this stupid feeling started, it makes me feel very unmotivated for the rest of the day. Now I'm exhausted. I know I'll fall asleep soon, and then wake up late the next morning with a head full of regret.

Sigh. Double sigh.

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