Sunday, December 13, 2009

Getting stronger?

Look forward positively please.

Or else the negatives will haunt you.

I'll try to be stronger, for You, and for you.


itana said...

there's no other reason to b strong aint it :)

ukht farhu said...

zulaikha, ni farah almashoor.ingat lagi x?
hg kat ireland dah noo..syukur.wt medic ka?bila fly?wah,rindunya kat hg n semua yg lain!

IkaZainol said...

itana; yup true dear. that's the only reason there is. =)

ukht farhu; ni farahain ka?or farah lain? 1 batch kn dulu? hehe.rindu kt budak2 almashoor lain. alhamdulillah la ni dh smpai bumi ireland.denga crita salu buat reunion, ajak la tau lain kali. hehe. keep in touch! =))