Thursday, October 29, 2009

Ask and keep asking.

Again and again.
I asked to be given a chance to read medicine. It was granted.
I asked for IB results that can bring me here. It was granted.
I asked to be flown to Ireland. It was granted.
I asked to be with my friends. It was granted.
I asked to have the homesickness kept at bay. It was granted.

I kept asking and asking. One after another. When I get what I wished for, I asked for another, and then I forgot to thank Him on the previous one He granted.

'Dan apabila Kami berikan nikmat kepada manusia, dia berpaling dan menjauhkan diri dengan sombong; tetapi apabila ditimpa malapetaka maka dia banyak berdoa' -Fussilat, 41:51

"Kalau tak rasa nikmat tu nikmat, cmne rasa syukur tu nak timbul"

Walaupun jauh dengan family. Walaupun markah biochem tak memuaskan hati. Walaupun makan tak macam masakan mama. Walaupun walaupun walaupun. Tetap harus syukur.

.Syukur, praise be to Allah.