Wednesday, August 17, 2011


is like a drug many people can't live without. Sadly I belonged to that pathetic group.

Yes we can't deny the good purposes it serves. That's why you rarely find anyone deactivating facebook permanently. It's like your second virtual life. Friends you haven't met for years are suddenly in touch with you again. Inviting people to events are made easier. Your birthday won't seemed pathetic and lonely again when hundreds of people you barely knew leave birthday wishes on your wall. If you're in a relationship you don't have to flaunt it around, you can just change your statuses on facebook and people will know. Photo sharing has never been easier. Exchanging hi-s and hellos when you're miles apart makes you feel closer. And the list goes on to infinity.

You know what the setback is? When your life revolves around it. When you're online and you didn't reply a post on the wall from a friend silap haribulan boleh terasa. When you have a boyfriend/girlfriend and he/she didn't leave you as much comments and likes as he/she did to anyone else, it can turn into a pointless jealousy. When people didn't reply your comments or wall posts and you take it to your heart, terasa tiba2. When people don't leave 'likes' on your page as much as you leave 'likes' on theirs and you feel offended. When you're invited to an event and you didn't reply any RSVP and people wonder why you turned down the invitation. When you flaunt your bf/gf around to make his/her exes jealous. When you blocked/unfriended people here and there simply because they annoy you and you think blocking/unfriending can avoid you from them. When you go over-friendly with someone else's partner just to annoy them and the list goes on too. No offense people, and don't worry I did some of those things too.

Whatever happens to real-life socializing?

Come on Ika (and people), your worth is not measured in 'likes', comments, wall posts, or number of friends on your page. I worth more than that. You are, too.

Say no to pretentious immature facebooking!

Selamat meraikan nuzul Quran semua! Juzuk berapa dah harini? ;)

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