Thursday, April 22, 2010

ika penipu.

Don't know why, when mama passed the phone to abah, i get teary-eyed.
Maybe because suddenly their absence felt so significant.
Also maybe because the inside is fairly fragile at the moment.

kalau umur panjang, my short-term goal is to get on the flight to penang and see these two faces I love.
Dapat pahala okay tengok muka parents (dengan kasih sayang la) :)

p/s: btw, the title of the post is ika penipu sebab dia cakap dia xnak post apa2 until after exam. breach of contract. huh you big fat liar.


aisyah ismail ♥ said...

insyaallah ika.

you are a very good daugter to them. moga jadi anak solehah. and may allah bless you and your family always. ;)

all the best sayang for your exam. have faith and insyaallah may He makes everything easy for u.

hugs n kisses,
aisyah ismail

ahmad zaid said...

homesick nye...dah beli tiket balik malaysia blom? how long u will be in Malaysia this coming summer?

Unknown said...

omg ikaaaaaaaaaa...

same gak. rindu family n cakap tanak buat new post until habis study/xm. tp breach the ctrct. =|


moga2 dipermudahkan semuanya n dapat balik jumpe family dgn selamatnya!~ amin

IkaZainol said...

thank you aisyah! you never fail in making me smile with your comments and visits to my humble blog. all the best to u juge! pray for me okay. huhu

menade homesick. acah je ni. haha
dah beli tiket, 3june, cuti 3 months until september inshaAllah.cant waittt!! :D

stujuuu!! lagi dekat flight date lagi x sabaaa. haha
all the best untuk exam okeh! :D

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