Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Tak suka.

Tak suka bila orang bagi last-minute notice, causing us to rush and disturbing our schedule.
Tak suka bila orang tak hargai usaha kita dan boleh pulak suruh-suruh impolitely.
Tak suka bila orang buat kerja separuh jalan, dan expecting others to finish it for them.
Tak suka bila orang marah bila kita buat something, tapi end up dia pun buat jugak.
Tak suka bila orang tak senyum balik bila kita senyum, it affects the mood for the whole day ok.
Tak suka bila orang act macam tahu semua benda, dan anggap idea orang lain tak best.

Tak suka bila orang buat benda yang kita tak suka.

Aku buat semua benda di atas. Which means I hate myself too :-(

Changing to the better is difficult. Very difficult indeed.
I'm trying my best, dear Allah please lend me a hand.


itana said...

gud luck zulaikha smaaaaaaaaaap!

*xtau nk ckp ape sbnrnye dah.hihi*

sometimes, we just dont realize that everyone has kindness within. it's either they seal it for themselves not showing it off, or just waiting for another kind people to discover it. ^_^

IkaZainol said...

sangat rindu ko. huhu
menci la xde jiran lari masuk bilik aku sbb bugs. haha =p

Mashmellow said...

sangat suke!